CDFA Looking for Grower Interviews - Streamlining Water Reporting Requirements
CDFA Looking for Grower Interviews - Streamlining Water Reporting Requirements
CDFA has contracted with Crowe LLP (Crowe) to conduct a Regulatory Alignment Study. - Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP)
- Stormwater Industrial General Permit (IGP) Program
- State/Regional Winery Waste Discharge Programs
Regulatory Relief through SIP Certified
Vineyard Team recently spoke with Crowe representative, Jamey Hammond, about SIP Certified 20 years' worth of regulatory relief in the Region 3 Ag Orders.
SIP Certified is a robust sustainability certification that includes requirements to adopt practices that protect water quality and independent verification of these practices. The program also requires submission of irrigation water applied, nitrogen applied, and yield, on a site-specific basis. This data is independently verified by an auditor annually.
Regulatory relief for SIP Certified Members creates a win-win-win. SIP Certified recognition within the regulatory framework incentivizes participation in certification programs that a) protect water quality, b) reduce regulatory burden to certified operators, and c) reduces administrative burden for Water Board staff.
How you can Participate
We have already experienced regulatory relief through SIP Certified. Along with supporting reporting through SIP Certified, you may have more ideas on how to streamline data collection. If you are interested in participating a listening session to provide "direct and confidential input on these regulatory requirements". You can schedule a time to talk one-on-one or in a group by contacting RegulatoryAlignment