Downy Mildew (Plasmopara viticola)
Attacks any green tissue on the vine.
Destroys tissue in a few days.
Symptoms include large yellow spots on the tops of leaves, called “oil spots,” and white, cottony (“downy”) colonies on the undersides.
Infections also attack shoots, shoot tips, petioles, berries, and rachises.
Oospores overwinter in fruit and leaves on the vineyard floor.
Oospores can be viable for several years.
Primary infections begin in the spring at 52°F or higher and after a rain event of at least 0.1”.
Secondary infections of sporangia form after humid nights followed by a rain event.
Sporangia then release zoospores which move onto or around the vine via wind or rain (splashing).
Zoospores enter the plant through the stomates.
Downy mildew infections spread rapidly after this point.
Under ideal conditions the time between generations is 4 to 5 days.
Ideal conditions are night and morning temperatures between 65-77°F.
Limiting temperatures are below 52°F and above 86°F.
See “Downy Mildew” on UC Statewide IPM Website for specific recommendations.
See Grape Disease Control for 2017 by Wayne Wilcox for recent research on the control of downy mildew with fungicides.
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"Oil spot” on the surface of a leaf. (Mark D. Welch) |
Colony of sporangia on underside of a leaf. (Mark D. Welch) |
Wilcox, Wayne. 2017. “Downy Mildew.” Grape Disease Control for 2017. Geneva, NY: Cornell University.
Gubler, W. Douglas, George M. Leavitt, and Larry J. Bettiga. 2013. “Downy Mildew.” Pp. 117-119 in Grape Pest Management, 3rd. Edition. Larry J. Bettiga, Technical Editor. Oakland, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: